Why I'm Thankful I Stayed Alive
I'd be lying if I didn't say that I've been staring at my computer screen for hours reading this blog over and over and over, second...
The Benefits of Music Therapy
There’s something about music that finds a way to speak to just about everyone. Through the lyrics of the stories songwriters try to tell...
Reasons To Stay Alive
When times get tough and your mental health is at its worst, it's easy to think about giving up. Quitting on life, throwing in the towel-...
How to Handle a Panic Attack
During my senior year of high school, I struggled with anxiety and experienced many panic attacks. They occurred both out of the blue and...
Anxiety: What Is It?
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses in the U.S. They affect about 40 million Americans every year. Nearly half of the...
Minority Mental Health Month
Mental Health Awareness Month was observed in the United States two months ago in May. Since 1949, the thirty-one day span was set to...
Self-Care 101: It's Not Selfish
We see it everywhere. The words “self-care” plastered on almost every social media site, all over Pinterest, even in doctor's offices. It...
Exercise and Mental Health
It’s a proven fact that working out releases chemicals in your brain called endorphins. Endorphins can reduce your perception of pain and...
Living With High Functioning Depression
I can’t remember the first time I felt depressed or exactly how depressed I was when I was diagnosed with depression at the age of 14....
Suicide: A Permanent Solution to a Temporary Problem
Suicide can be hard to talk about; it’s uncomfortable, scary, and a difficult topic to approach. This past September was National Suicide...