What To Know About Going On Medication
I was terrified of going on any kind of medication for my mental health. What if it changed my personality too much? What if I lost my...
Christmas Looks Different This Year
Christmas looks different this year. I’m not sure if it’s lack of snow, the global warning, or maybe... maybe it’s because this year, I’m...

Coping With The Sexual Assault News As A Survivor
Last week, I walked into my therapist’s office with a smile on my face. “How are you? You’re smiling,” he said to me. My smile crumbled...

Why Deactivating Instagram Saved My Life
Social media has been a blessing a curse for my mental illnesses. On one hand, I can communicate with a large number of people without...
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
GAD, conventionally known as ‘Generalized Anxiety Disorder’ affects a measured 3 million people in the U.S alone each year. Women are...
The Day We Lost You To Suicide On My College Campus
It’s hard for me to write this. It’s hard for me to find words to accurately describe and depict what this world is like now that you’re...

Stop Blaming The Mentally Ill For Gun Violence
Whenever there is a shooting, people decide they want to talk about mental health. I woke up this morning to the news about the shooting...

The Forbidden Taboo Called Suicide
Taboo. The word is still circulating throughout present day time. We, as a society, have become more accustomed to such acts making the...

When Life Just Sucks
I’ve been sitting here trying to think about what to write my next article on. My typical writing style gives the impression that...

My Life With C-PTSD
I have Complex-PTSD, a type of PTSD in which the individual has experienced trauma over an extended period of time as opposed to just one...