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Apply to join the team!

Spreading The Love is always looking for new volunteers to join our team and help us provide support and awareness for mental illness and suicide. Below are some of the positions that are currently available. We are looking for passionate individuals who enjoy helping others and want to make a difference in the world. If that's you, apply below!

Blog Writer

  • Must be fluent in English

  • Must be knowledgeable of English grammar and spelling

  • Must be able to meet writing deadlines

  • Must be able to work effectively with others on the writing team

Job Duties

Blog writers will be responsible for brainstorming, writing, editing, and submitting creative pieces that will promote awareness, education, and link current events to common problems surrounding mental illness and suicide in our world today. Writers will work with other team members to brainstorm new topic ideas and will be given deadlines to submit their work in which it will be posted on the official website and social media sites.  There are currently no openings for this position but make sure to check back later!

Apply Here

STL Representative

  • Must be 14+

  • Must have basic knowledge as to how Twitter works

  • Must be passionate about mental health awareness and suicide prevention

Job Duties

Spreading The Love (STL) representatives (or "reps") will be responsible for bringing mental health awareness and suicide prevention to their communities through social media. Reps will be in charge of leading a Twitter account that is branched off of our main account to provide awareness in their areas. They will keep followers up-to-date on the latest Spreading The Love news as well. We currently have an unlimited number of positions available.

Head Designer

  • Must be 18+ years old

  • Must have some artistic background/experience

  • Must be creative and work well with others

  • Must be able to submit designs in on time

Job Duties

The head designer of Spreading The Love will be in charge of designing merchandise, logos, promotional items, and more. This individual will work with the president and other design team members to design modern, creative, and trendy items. The head designer will also be the head of the design team. There is currently one opening for the head designer position and four openings for other design team members.

Fundraising Coordinator

  • Must be 18+ years old

  • Must be willing to work with others

  • Will plan, design, and carry out strategies that will effectively raise money for the organization

Job Duties

The fundraising coordinator will work with the president of the organization to strategize effective ways to raise money to support the organization's goals. This individual will then develop and carry out these plans (i.e. launching a Kickstarter, creating a donor's list, etc.). There is currently one job opening for this position.

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